Oglejte si Ivoclar Vivadent webinarje!


Vollkeramik - Stand der Technik, Michael Dieter

27.03.2020, 10:00-11:00

Audience: Dentists

Language: DE

Organization: HQ

Lecturer: Dr. Michael Dieter


All-ceramics – state of the art

27.03.2020, 16:00-17:00


Audience: Dentists

Language: EN

Organization: HQ

Lecturer: Dr. Anton Lebedenko


Erfolgreiches Bleaching - mit einem umfassenden klinischen Ratgeber

Join us for a webinar on Apr 3, 2020 at 15:00 CET

Audience: Dentists, professional care assistants

Language: DE

Organization: local

Lecturer: Dr. Miona Jovanovic


Modern ceramic restorations and most efficient bonding protocols

Join us for a webinar on Apr 7, 2020 at 15:00 CET


Audience: Dentists

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Dr. Miona Jovanovic


Further topics FOR CUSTOMERS (open dates)


Zirconium: what do we know as dentists and how to clinically use it

Audience: Dentists

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Prof. Danimir Jevremovic, Dr. Miona Jovanovic


Succesfull Bleaching

Most probably May 4., 2020 at 15:00 CET

Audience: Dentists, professional care assistants, Students participants of DPA

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Dr. Miona Jovanovic


Digital workflow for dentists

Audience: Dentists

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Danimir Jevremović, MSc, DDS, PhD


PM1 workflow

Audience: Dentists

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Danimir Jevremović, MSc, DDS, PhD


Ingot choice and pressing protocoll

Audience: Technitians

Language: EN

Organization: local

Lecturer: Florin Sabau


Composite webinar with Prime, Adhese, OptraGloss

Audience: Dentists

Language: EN, RS

Organization: local, EN

Lecturer: Doc. Irena Melin (in planning phase)