Complete clinical guide to successful tooth whitening procedures
In this webinar, participants will learn about the range of bleaching options currently available and the most efficient clinical protocols to deliver them. We will also cover the most common side effects and learn how to manage them most effectively; how to handle the need for touch-ups, as well as planning post-bleaching reconstructive procedures.
Lecturer: Dr. Miona Jovanovic
Format: Live Webinar
Date: 04.05.2020, 15:00 - 17:00 CET
ND5+ Options to restore dischromic anterior teeth
The presentation will cover different treatment options that the dentist can have to restore dischromic teeth. The main options are: bleaching, composite restorations or ceramic restorations. Now the question is how to choose the one which are ideal for the patient?
Lecturer: Dr. Dan Lazar
Format: Live Webinar
Date: 05.05.2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET
All ceramic veneers: bleach or natural white
Today, the desire for a natural esthetic smile is a powerful reason for a visit to the dentist. Restoring a natural esthetic smile gives a lot of opportunities for any dentist who is willing to learn the principles of teeth function and smile design. To restore a beautiful smile does not mean trying and guessing, mistakes and corrections, it means learning those principles that are compatible with predictable long term results, comfort and function.
There is a learnable process for every restored tooth concerning its position, contour, inclination, colour and shade. If this process is understood and followed, there will be no reason to end up with teeth that look artificial or are uncomfortable or unstable.
There is one material available today that ensure us with the life-like appearance of the restored teeth: IPS e.max, so there is no question about what material should we use, no matter what kind of a restorations will we do.
Thus the key for success is simple: just follow the principles of teeth function and smile design, take under consideration the patient wishes and do it all with IPS e.max
Lecturer: Dr. Dan Patroi
Format: Live Webinar
Date: 06.05.2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET
Dentist vs technician workflows in esthetic digital dentistry
In last decade we saw an alarming choice of zirconium based materials. The science behind it is complex, and the clinical use even more. But how much do we know about it and how can we make the best of it for us and for our patients?
Lecturers: Lorant Stumpf and Dr Jameel Gardee
Format: Live Webinar
Date: 08.05.2020, 07:00 PM – 08:00 PM CET
Restoring Anterior Proximal Area with composite
The presentation will describe in different clinical situations different techniques that helps the dentist to restore the proximal contact in anterior region using composite. There will be different clinical cases with: Closing diastema, Closing black triangles, composite veneers, class 3 reconstructions.
Lecturer: Dr. Dan Lazar
Format: Live Webinar
Date: 13.05.2020, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM CET
Everyday preventive care: our habits vs proven principles
The lecture would discuss various preventive measures, from birth to adult age, from the point of common clinical practice as well as scientific level of evidence that we have to support these measures. Also, modification of preventive measures that can be applied in high caries risk patients would be discussed.
Lecturer: Assoc. Prof. Ivana Radović, DDS, MSc, PhD
Format: Webinar
Date: 14.05.2020, 13:00 - 14:00 CET
Language: English