Ivoclar Vivadent webinarji
Customizing the white and pink esthetics of dentures
20.05.2020, 15:00
An efficient, safe and clean way of characterizing the gingiva to achieve dentures with a true-to-nature appearance will be presented. By using the light-curing laboratory composite SR Nexco, we are able to achieve highly esthetic results with a perfect shade match. In this webinar, the preparation of the denture base and an efficient workflow will be discussed.
Achieving a chemical bond
Step-by-step workflow
Material features
Morphology of Posterior Teeth (Module 2)
20.05.2020, 17:00-18:30
2nd Episode represents a journey in the world of shapes in the lateral region, where shape is highly interconnected with function.
In order to have a better understanding of the occlusal morphology of the upper and lower posterior teeth, we will debate some principles of both the functional and esthetic wax-up. Taking into account the occlusal morphology of both the upper and lower, that need to be correlated, we will focus on shape, interproximal contact surface and mainly occlusal contacts. I will explain the modelling of the 1st inferior molar, both in wax and in composite and the internal occlusal characterization technique.
Prijava: https://resources.ivoclarvivadent.com/lab/en/academy/morphology-of-posterior-teeth-module-2
Morphology explained case by case (Module 3)
21.05.2020, 17:00-18:30
The 3rd Episode is an overview in which I will exemplify through prosthetic cases all that I tried to explain in the 1st and 2nd episode, mirrored both in all-ceramics and metal-ceramic prosthetic cases.
Prijava: https://resources.ivoclarvivadent.com/lab/en/academy/morphology-explained-case-by-case-module-3
ND5+ Value and the principles of ingot selection (Module 4)
26.05.2020, 17:00-18:30
Nowadays, the choice of the right material for restoring anterior teeth can be still challenging for both the dentist and for the dental technician. On the market we have a large variety of dental materials for prosthetic restorations (metal-ceramics, zirconia, feldspar ceramics, LS2, etc). The parameters that render a material to be fit for an esthetic rehabilitation are: the type of the restoration, the shade of the abutment, the final shade of the restoration and the fracture resistance of the material.
Restoring non-vital teeth through an all-ceramic system can be a big challenge. The final restoration should re-establish the properties of the natural tooth, both as morphology and color, to try to copy it, recovering the initial value and fluorescence starting from the interior of the tooth, using materials that compensate for these dis-coloration. In our practical experience, for good results when restoring non-vital teeth where the abutment shade is ND5+ or more, we had established a dentist – dental technician working protocol when using e.max system – the most complex and complete system of our days.
Arhiv webinarjev: https://resources.ivoclarvivadent.com/lab/en/academy